Do get in touch to discuss any facilitation requirements you may have. The meetings can be face to face, online or hybrid.
Meeting or Workshop Facilitation
Sometimes it is helpful to have an external facilitator to guide and focus discussions, bring clarity and yet remain neutral.
I have facilitated a wide range of meeting types including:
board and management meetings,
a leadership team planning how to respond to a pitch for new business,
team building events,
department meetings,
a forum for charity CEOs,
forums for women in leadership.
In advance of a meeting I work with the lead person, or sometimes the group, to agree the meeting objectives and plan the agenda. We also define and agree the facilitation role that is required. Meetings can be run in a Thinking Environment / using Time to Think Facilitation. I can also run Action Learning style sessions.
Facilitation can include:
time management for the meeting,
focusing the group,
clarifying points,
questioning and/or reframing questions,
ensuring everyone is heard and everyone has a voice,
encouraging diverse thoughts,
ensuring everyone feels included,
helping address conflict,
ensuring actions and decisions are documented,
creative thinking and / or team building techniques,
ensuring the meeting runs smoothly.
“Knowing you will have your turn improves the quality of your listening.”